Thursday 24 January 2013

Learning Styles

Introduction to Learning Styles

Learning styles are a way to help improve your quality of learning. By understanding your own personal styles, you can adapt the learning process and techniques you use. This blog was made to help you get a better understand learning styles, as well as providing an easy way to discover your own styles.

 If you use the visual style, you prefer using images, pictures, colors, and maps to organize information and communicate with others. You can easily visualize objects, plans and outcomes in your mind's eye. You also have a good spatial sense, which gives you a good sense of direction. You can easily find your way around using maps, and you rarely get lost. When you walk out of an elevator, you instinctively know which way to turn.

Visual learners would learn by including drawings in their notes to help them remember things, Highlighting important information and replacing words with symbols wherever possible.


If you use the aural style, you like to work with sound and music. You have a good sense of pitch and rhythm. You typically can sing, play a musical instrument, or identify the sounds of different instruments. Certain music invokes strong emotions. You notice the music playing in the background of movies, TV shows and other media. You often find yourself humming or tapping a song or jingle, or a theme or jingle pops into your head without prompting.

Aural learners would be good at talking and listening exercises and they would study better by recording their notes on an mp3 player and listening to them over and over.


Kinesthetic learners would spend a lot of time moving about, they learn better through practical activities and actually going out and doing things. Most kinesthetic learners are into sport and exercise. For example a kinesthetic leaner would rather pull a computer apart and put it back together rather than read a book or notes on how to do it.

Kinesthetic learners would study better through the use of flashcards and role playing.


Social learners prefer to work within groups and classes. They tend to listen to others ideas and motivate people. Social learners work well with in a team and would rather do something with a group than on their own. Social learners should aim to work with others as much as possible.

Social learners would study better in study groups.


Logical learners like using their brain to work things out and they are usually very good at math. Logical learners are able to do complex equations in their head. They have scientific views on everything and aren’t very religious. Logical learners like to create agendas and to-do lists. They like to play games that involve strategies.

Logical learners study best by making lists and highlighting key points from their notes.


Solitary learners are more private and they like do everything on their own. They can concentrate well and focus on a given topic. Solitary learners spend a lot of time thinking about the past. They usually keep a diary or a journal. They hate crowds and like to be isolated. Solitary learners make plans and set goals.

Solitary learners’ study alone using self study and they only use teachers to get information that they can’t find for themselves.

Find your own learning style here!

My learning style is kinesthetic I found this out using this learning styles quiz which you can do too!

Now that I am aware of what my learning style is I will be able to aid my learning by following the advice given on the site to enhance my study skills so I will be able to learn and progress better than before. Before finding out that I am a kinesthetic learner I tried to study by reading over notes but now I know that I can learn more effectively through practical activities and actually

You can also take this more detailed quiz:

Here's my results!

Now that I know my learning style I can learn using things like flash cards, use role playing and exercise my practical skills as much as possible, knowing my learning style will help me study and learn alot more. The physical learning style was the secret behind the great Russian athletic success in the last few decades, they knew their learning style so they knew exactly how they could train to perform to the best of their ability. The best study technique for a physical learning style is to study using big sheets of paper and bright coloured markers. Physical learners will usually use highlighters alot in their work.

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