Tuesday 26 February 2013

Interpersonal Skills

Effective Communication



What are interpersonal skills?


Interpersonal skills are the skills you use to interact with the people around you. This could be in a job interview situation, a school situation or a social situation. Interpersonal communication is the process of exchanging information or feelings by using verbal or non-verbal communication. Interpersonal skills are not just about what is said, they are about the language used, the tone of voice, the facial expressions and the gestures and body language.


Why are these important?


These are important as they will shape people’s opinion of you. If you have good interpersonal skills then are more likely to get on with people and your job interviews will go quite well.  Interpersonal skills are important within the rainbow light charity as you will be interacting with others on a day to day basis. You need to have good interpersonal skills to work alongside others. For example if a volunteer was going to show a client how to use the talking book, their voice would need to be appropriate for the time. They would need to have a clear voice so they can teach the client how to use the book without them misunderstanding.


Body Language as a Volunteer


If you go for a job interview dressed well and you speak clearly and politely then you are a lot more likely to get the job than you would if you turn up in a tracksuit and mumbled all through the interview. Your body language would also be important as you would not get the job if you were sitting there slouched in the chair and biting your nails or if you were just staring at the wall and not paying attention to the interviewer. You would need to have good eye contact with the interviewer and not be looking out the window otherwise you would give the impression that you are bored and not interested in getting the job. If you sit up straight and make eye contact with the interviewer it gives a good impression and will help you get the job.



Listening Skills as a Volunteer


As a volunteer, your listening skills will be constantly used. You need to be able to listen to your management to heed instructions so you know what you have to do. You also need to be able to help the clients. You will have to listen to things that clients need to be taught and then you will need to show them what they need to know, for example, how to use talking books. If you have bad listening skills then you may lose your job as a result of that. Listening skills in this case are vital and you will need to use them on a daily basis to carry out your work.

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